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Sheumatoid Strong Food

Get back to your best life.

Gain control of your life with science-backed diet and lifestyle strategies that will get you feeling better in 3 months. Start the Holistic Healing Nutrition Program today!

Indira Reheumatoid Strong Profile Photo

Feel the joy and relief of a pain-free life.

I’m Indira Pulliadath and I know first-hand that living with a chronic disease (I have Rheumatoid Arthritis) can be debilitating, overwhelming, and very scary. I’ve been exactly where you are now, and I know that we can turn it around. I’ve changed my life— and I can help you change yours.


I want to help women living with chronic pain feel the joy and relief of a pain-free life. Now that you're on your cure journey, you’re probably facing a frightening amount of competing advice, ‘cures’, supplements and diets from which to choose.


Managing your autoimmune disease can be clear and simple.


I am a Pharmcoeconomist, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, AIP Certified Coach, cookbook author and fellow autoimmune warrior. I want to work with you through an integrated program of diet and lifestyle that will support and empower you to get back your health, energy, and best life. 

From my Doctor

“I have witnessed firsthand the benefits of diet on Indira and subsequently on my other patients who have undergone her program. I encourage those suffering from rheumatologic illness to adopt an integrated approach to their care.


Lifestyle interventions including diet, weight reduction and regular exercise are critically important in the management of both degenerative and inflammatory rheumatologic disorders. There is growing evidence that diet and nutritional therapy when combined with standard medical therapy for rheumatological diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis yields improved outcomes compared with pharmacologic therapy alone.”

Dr. John Vischio, MD - Rheumatology

Connecticut, USA

Indira Reheumatoid Strong Wellness Photo

Science. Strategies. Support.
Programs tailored to your lifestyle.

The Holistic Healing programs offer unbiased, evidence-based information and different strategies to help clients manage their autoimmune symptoms with confidence and feel results in as little as one month.


I advocate a holistic approach (integrating diet, nutritional supplements, medication and lifestyle interventions) to help you understand your pain, manage your symptoms and feel supported every step of the way. Centered around experience-based AIP coaching, the Holistic Healing Program has been rigorously researched and realistically designed to give autoimmune sufferers the motivation, knowledge and solutions to achieve their goals and reclaim their lives.

Menu Planning for Rheumatoid Strong

Holistic Healing

Your goals. Your schedule. This program is a a self-paced online course for autoimmune patients wanting to undertsand how to integrate diet and lifestyle changes with their conventional medical treatments in order to achieve better results. Instantly accessible upon payment, with access to resources, tips, strategies and meal plans.


Indira Nutritional Therapy Photo Practitioner, an AIP Certified Coach and a cookbook author. I am the founder of Rheumatoid Strong

Holistic Healing Plus

Includes access to the online course,  plus a 3 month one-on-one personal consultation with Indira including bi- weekly follow up calls to keep you on track and to answer any questions. The Holistic Healing Plus also includes personalized supplement recommendations that will help accelerate your healing, as well as access to important functional medicine tests that will help determine root cause/s of your chronic disease.


Holistic Healing PLUS is a 3-month package that provides you with all the resources and support you need to succeed. You will have direct access to Indira in the form of 1:1 zoom calls and email interactions.


“I was diagnosed with RA in 2020 and I was looking around for more natural and sustainable options to control my RA. I never knew diet would help me heal my RA, before I met Indira. When I started working with her, I had very high inflammation markers, she helped me reduce those markers within the normal range in 3 months. She was always available to answer all my questions. Her simple AIP recipes made it more easy to stick to the diet without any distraction. I feel Indira is really passionate about AIP and helping others. Thank you for helping me with my RA journey and making me feel my normal self again. “

SY, age 29

Indira Shyju Cookbook AIP Indian Fusion reciepes

AIP Indian Fusion Cookbook

114 Delicious Indian recipes that are 100% Autoimmune Protocol compliant.

Author: Indira Pulliadath, MS, NTP (that's me!)

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Get in control and start feeling like yourself again.

Cooking with love since 2010

 Visit my recipe site with hundreds of recipes Cook 2 Nourish.

Cook 2 Nourish

Cook 2 Nourish
A Full Paleo (AIP adaptable)Meal: Shrimp Coconut Curry, Green Beans and Turmeric Cauliflower rice

A Full Paleo (AIP adaptable)Meal: Shrimp Coconut Curry, Green Beans and Turmeric Cauliflower rice

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Easy Gluten Free Dairy Free Chaat

Easy Gluten Free Dairy Free Chaat

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Gluten Free Upma || Savory Indian Porridge

Gluten Free Upma || Savory Indian Porridge

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2 in 1 Recipe - Chocolate Pudding || Chocolate Ice Cream (Vegan, AIP)

2 in 1 Recipe - Chocolate Pudding || Chocolate Ice Cream (Vegan, AIP)

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